
Airport bus

  1. ホーム
  2. English
  3. Airport bus

Airport bus from Kansai Airport(KIX) to Wakayama

No transfer

  • 40 minutes one way from ‘Terminal 1’
  • 50 minutes one way from ‘Terminal 2’


1,400 yen

Time table

Kansai Wakayama route search

Kansai Wakayama route search

Search for a train and bus route, besides display route map of walking to the destination.

Checked Baggage Allowance

Checked Baggage Allowance

2 baggage /person (e.g. 2 suitcases), total weigh 30 kg or less, total volume 0.25m³ or less and not exceed 2 m in length

*Please put your name tag with your phone number on luggage.

Items should not be in included in Checked baggage

Items should not be in included in Checked baggage

Valuable items (cash/passport/securities/precious metals/jewelry/work of art) and fragile articles (watch/camera/PC/glass products/bottles) cannot be contained in checked baggage. We are not responsible in case of damage of these items.

Items prohibited to carry

Items that are banned by Passenger Vehicle Transportation Business Law (Explosive items/items which are easy to ignite etc.)