
Local bus

  1. ホーム
  2. English
  3. Local bus

Operating area

Our operating areas are Wakayama city and northern part of Kainan city.

Route search & Timetables

Kansai Wakayama route search

Kansai Wakayama route search

Search for a train and bus route, besides display route map of walking to the destination.


Adult 1,000yen
Child 500yen

Pass for unlimited travel on WakayamaBus

How to ride the local bus

Board at the rear of the bus.The exit is at the front of the bus.

Board at the rear of the bus.The exit is at the front of the bus.

Fares are collected in a farebox by the driver’s seat.

Fares are collected in a farebox by the driver’s seat.

Please note that bills other than “1,000 yen” can not be exchanged.

Please note that bills other than “1,000 yen” can not be exchanged.
Change cannot be provided

Press the button to notify the driver that you are getting off.

Inside the bus, the next bus stop is displayed on the screen and announced from the speaker. Press the button to notify the driver that you are getting off.

※The bus may skip the stop if there is no notification.